Gigapixel images are ultra-high resolution digital photographs that are created by stitching together multiple frames to produce one large image file. They contain at least one billion pixels, which is one thousand times the information captured by a one megapixel digital camera.
Gigapixel images can be displayed online and viewed interactively using the digital zoom buttons, or they can be printed and published using traditional four-colour printing methods. Examples of uses are large-scale building wraps, 48-sheet posters and ultra-high resolution large-format art prints for display and exhibitions.
This example measures approximately 90,000 x 32,000 pixels (2.88 gigapixels) and can easily be printed up to 1270cm x 450cm (42 feet x 15 feet) at 180 dpi. The resolution and detail is incredible … by clicking the zoom buttons, you can magnify the image and almost see the cocktails the guests are drinking in the top floor bar at The Shard.